Starting Back 11th September


Hi Everyone,

Hope you’ve all had a good break and are ready to get back in to Scouting this term. All sections start back on the 11th September. We’re still working through some section moves for some Beavers and Cubs so please bear with us if you can’t get in to Online Scout Manager yet. Invitations will be emailed out before Wednesday.

Beavers – drop off between 5:15pm and 5:30pm with meeting running from 5:30pm to 6:30pm.  Please don’t turn up earlier as there may be no one there.

Cubs – drop off between 6:15pm and 6:30pm with meeting running from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

Scouts – meeting running from 7:30pm to 9:00pm as usual.

Subs £30 Direct Debit will be initiated on the 11th – please pay online if you can to save the Leaders time at the start of the meeting.


Lamphey Show Fundraising – Pledge Request


As many of you already know, Lamphey Show, which takes place on Wednesday 7th August 2024, is the main fundraiser for the 4th Pembroke (Lamphey) Scout Group, and we encourage EVERYONE to get involved in some way.  Every year the group runs a successful stall selling homemade cakes (they sell better than store bought), tea, coffee etc.   The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts also help the parents and leaders to run the stall.

As we did last year, we are asking that all parents/guardians/family members pledge their support in some small way, setting up the tents (5PM on Tuesday), baking cakes, washing up, serving in the stall (between 10am and 5pm but especially 11:30-3pm as busy period), taking the tent down etc.  If you happen to be away on holiday, or working and can’t do anything on the day, perhaps encourage a grandparent or family member to supply a homemade sponge cake, fruit cake, cupcakes etc.   Cakes can be dropped off on Tuesday at Nicola’s (54 St Michaels Road Pembroke) or Pat’s (10 Cleggar Park, Lamphey) if you can’t make it down to the Showground.

NOTE: If baking, you MUST supply the list of ingredients as we have to display for allergy reasons.  We especially need both Savoury and Sweet Scones for the Cream Teas, and ready made Welshcake mixture.

Please, please, please spare us 5 minutes to follow the link below and reply using the online form to let us know how you can help.  If you have any issues with the form, you can just email or

Thank you so much for your support.  Remember, your children will directly benefit from all the money raised on this day.

For those who haven’t been before, its a great day out.  Check out the link below.

Easter Bingo – Wed 20th March – 6:30pm


We will be holding a fundraising Bingo Event on Wednesday 20th March 2024 at Foundry House (for all sections so no regular meetings).

Fundraising to replenish funds so we can offer more activities.

Refreshments will be available.

We need donations of Bingo prizes and Raffle prizes so please pledge via the website by following the link below so we know what to expect beforehand.  Thanks.

Click here for Pledge Form

ALL family and friends welcome.  Please bring along a picnic chair if you can in case we don’t have enough chairs available.

Doors open 6pm.  Eyes down 6:30pm.

All Sections Start Back 17th January 2024


Happy New Year!  Just a reminder that all sections will start back at the usual times on Wednesday 17th January 2024 at  Foundry House in Pembroke.  Direct Debit payments will be initiated on that date.  If your Beaver, Cub or Scout will not be returning please let one of the leaders know so we can cancel any Direct Debits beforehand.  For any problems with accessing Online Scout Manager, or with online payments, please contact Iain via email –

AGM and Presentation Evening

All Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, parents, guardians and family members are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting and Presentation Evening at Foundry House between 6pm and 7pm on Wednesday 28th June. This will take place instead of normal meetings. You will hear from the Leaders of each section about what has been achieved in the last year and what is planned for the future. Many Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will receive badges and certificates that they’ve earned during the year.

Lamphey Church Bulb Planting Cancelled

Bulb planting has been cancelled today Saturday 12th Feb due to the weather.

The Scout Leaders would still like to hike from Lamphey so if Scouts could meet outside Lamphey Hall at 2pm then hike to Foundry House (Kit will be transported separately in a van to keep it dry).  Grace will send out an email at 12 midday to confirm  – or advise of any change of plan – but the Scout Sleepover WILL still go ahead.

Spring Term 2022

Happy New Year Everyone! We hope you had a good Christmas and New Year and festivities weren’t too badly impacted by COVID. Just to let you all know that the Leaders will be meeting on Wednesday 12th Jan to discuss current restrictions and advice, to agree on a suitable return date, and plan the programme for the Spring term. We will post information on the Website and on Online Scout Manager as soon as possible after the meeting.

Welcome Back

GREAT NEWS ……  WE ARE STARTING BACK.   We’ve had a Leaders Meeting and have put all the necessary procedures in place so we can once again enjoy seeing everyone face to face.

Our First Meeting will be on WEDNESDAY 9th JUNE.  – usual times:  BEAVERS 5.00pm to 6.15pm:   CUBS 6.15pm to 7.30pm    SCOUTS 7,30pm – 9pm.   Although lots of our young people would have gone into the next Section during the past year – in order to make it simple  PLEASE bring them along to the Section they were in before Lockdown.  We can work out who goes where and then the following week 16th June they can come along to their new Section at the correct time.   Subs for the Summer term will be payable – preferably using our OSM direct payment system if you are having problems with the system please contact Iain Omnet who is  willing to help.   Although we have had no income for a year or more we are keeping our subs at what they were pre-lockdown  (£75 per year – Three Termly payments of £25 each). 

We have had to complete Risk Assessments  so when you arrive at the Foundry House please observe social distancing & masks must be worn – at present children over 11 years must also wear masks (although if this restriction is lifted in school it will no longer apply to Scouts either).  We have separate Entry and Exit doors which will be clearly marked.  Please wait outside and we will bring the children out to the parents.  If you do have to come into the Hall you MUST wear a mask and complete a Track & Trace Form.  Please do not send your child to any session if you or any other member of your family is feeling unwell, or has been in contact with anyone with COVID-19.  I am sure you are all very well aware of all the restrictions they are in line with those being operated by the schools.   Please contact me if you have any queries.  Hand Sanitisers will be provided – but if you prefer your child to use their own that is not a problem.

St George’s Day Activities – 24th April 2021

Pembrokeshire Scouts Area Team would like to invite you to join in our St George’s Day activities. In this booklet you will find a programme and activities for all sections. The day will use Social Media and Zoom. We will finish the day by joining with ScoutsCymru and their Promise Celebration – For more information and to register for this session please visit

Christmas Card Appeal

The Explorers are encouraging people to write just one extra Xmas card this year, that can be given to someone in residential care.

We have put together some guidance, such as sign off with first names or initials only, not to seal the envelopes (see attached poster)

Hope you can help 
